P.T.A. Family Fun Evening
On June 16th, the P.T.A. organised and ran a Family Fun Evening. All families in Saint Michael's N.S. were invited, along with last year 6th class pupils. We also were delighted to welcome pupils and their families who will be joining the school in September. It was a...
UL City Sports
On Wednesday May 18th, 48 pupils and five staff members travelled to UL to take part in their City Sports athletics competition. It was the first time the event had run since 2019 and Saint Michael's were hoping to retain the trophy we won that year. Lots of hard work...
School Closure
School will be closed Thursday 17th & Friday 18th March 2022. School will reopen on Monday 21st March, 2022
Green Schools
This year Saint Michael's N.S. has started its Green Schools journey again. Ms. Halpin's 2nd &3rd class are leading the way with this and everyone is delighted to get involved. All classes have talked about what rubbish goes in what bin. Ms. Halpin created a...
In Senior Infants and 1st Class we have been learning about space. Have a look at some of our photos
Our New Astroturf Pitches
We have started 2022 off to a wonderful start here in Saint Michael’s N.S. With the installation of two Astroturf pitches in the yard. Already the children are enjoying using these for both P.E lessons and at break times. 4th -6th class even christened the pitches by...
Special Education Links
Educational Sites -EAL
Educational Sites – 5th/6th Class
Educational Sites – 3rd/4th Class
Educational Sites 1st/2nd Class
LITERACY www.freechildrenstories.com www.oxfordowl.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/literacy NUMERACY www.math-exercises-for-kids.com www.scratch.mit.edu www.learninggamesforkids.com www.topmarks.com SESE www.primaryscience.ie www.askaboutireland.ie...
Educational Sites Junior/Senior Infants
LITERACY http://www.starfall.com http://www.ictgames.com/ http://storybird.com/read/ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ www.bbc.co.uk/schoolradio/subjects/earlylearning NUMERACY https://ie.ixl.com/math/ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ http://www.mathsisfun.com/ GAEILGE...
Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for your support and caution so far this year in helping to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in our school community. Please continue to remain cautious and keep your child at home if they have any symptoms that could be COVID 19....