This year Saint Michael’s N.S. has started its Green Schools journey again. Ms. Halpin’s 2nd &3rd class are leading the way with this and everyone is delighted to get involved. All classes have talked about what rubbish goes in what bin. Ms. Halpin created a poster for the recycling bins to help everyone remember what can go in. Each class has ‘bin monitors’ who check the bins every day. The bin monitors especially like checking if the teachers have remembered to put things in the correct bins in the staff room!
Ms. Halpin’s class have created a wonderful Green Schools display board for us. Ms. Gleeson and Ms. Halpin’s classes are also taking part in the ‘Picker Pals’ programme and Ms. Gleeson’s class have been taking turns to bring the ‘Picker Pack’ home to do a mini-clean up near their homes. We are very proud of our little eco-warriors here in Saint Michael’s!